118: Living Life Like a Man
Episode 118: Health Insurance, Routines and Living Life like a Man
On Episode 118 of Lady Journey the ladies start off down a rabbit hole into their medical journeys. Katie shares the store of her breast “lump” and Sarah gives insight into her e coli scare. Then the ladies get into the beauty of the daily routine, saying no to bad gigs, planners and living life like a man.
Katie rethinks her relationship to her routines. What’s the balance between being super rigid versus spiraling off into the abyss? Katie’s trying to find the medium with a morning routine and an open afternoon. Sarah’s got a prioritization process where she focuses on 3 daily tasks. Th ladies also talk being selective about commitments and Katie recommends the Panda Planner
Living Life Like a Man
Sarah’s been asking herself, What would Jesus Do? Not in the sense that he’s a spiritual being, but in the sense that he’s a man. Sarah shares a story of a hell gig called, ‘Broads Off their Meds.”
- Stand Up Comedy is a pyramid scheme.
- What Would Jesus Do (As a Man)
Inspirational Quotes
- “If I have my smoothie then my coffee then my free writing, then I’m never going to die.” – Katie Hannigan
- Creative Visualization
- Essentialism
- (follow up book by the same author) Effortless
Living life like a man, specially in professional life (no matter what’s your profession), is solid advice and it works.
A man with a plan!