Beauty Show Notes Wellness

220: Elevating Your Soap Experience

Episode 220: Soap
Lady Journey on Spotify

Show Notes Episode 220: Elevating Soap

On this weeks episode of Lady Journey It’s the epic soap episode! (The episoap). Katie and Sarah tell all the luscious details of their personal products. 

Hand Soaps

Katie and Sarah go through their favorite soaps. Sarah’s a big time Marfa fan and Katie is a die hard Dr Bronner’s. Dr. Bronner’s is a favorite all purpose cleaner and Katie uses it for anything. It’s ethical and cruelty free.

Shower Soaps

Katie and Sarah debate wash clothes, v loofa’s. And share their favorite shower soaps, for sensitive skin. Katie shares the story of how she discovered she needed sensitive skin. And Katie tells Sarah the difference between true soap and detergent based bars.


Dr Bronner’s is not a cult.


  • Soap is a women’s world. – Katie Hannigan
  • I’ll get the fancy soap, but it never fills the hole in my heart. – Sarah Tollemache


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