Fashion Show Notes Wellness

143: Going Delusional and Jewelry

Going Delusional and Jewelry
Lady Journey on Spotify

Show Notes – Episode 143: Going Delusional and Jewelry

On this weeks Lady Journey  Katie’s trying a new self-help technique: becoming delusional. Sarah talks about jewelry trends and timeless pieces!

Going Delusional

After a summer of let downs, Katie decided to go fully delusional for her mental health. Katie’s no longer interested in relatable vulnerability. From here on out, she’s only projecting an air of blind confidence! Now, she’s thriving, her career is skyrocketing, and she feels better than ever. Is it delusion? Or is she just focusing on the positive?


Sarah talks current jewelry trends, do’s and don’ts for your baubles. Why does jewelry make the perfect gift? Do statement necklaces prevent people from taking you seriously? Why is infantilization such an element of women’s fashion and are you drawn to it?


  • Never admit defeat.
  • Everything is a failure or a huge success depending on your mindset.


More Lady Journey!!

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